Creating AWS photo analyzer applications using the AWS SDK for Java

 You can create an AWS application that analyzes nature images located in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket by using the Amazon Rekognition service.

The application can analyze many images and generate a report that breaks down each image into a series of labels.

For example, the following image shows a lake.

After the application analyzes this image, it creates this data:

  • Panoramic - 99.99971
  • Outdoors - 99.99971
  • Nature - 99.99971
  • Landscape - 99.99971
  • Scenery - 99.99971
  • Wilderness - 96.90007
  • Water - 93.501465
  • Lake - 87.28128

In addition, this application uses Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) to send a report to a given email recipient. In this tutorial, you create a Spring Boot application named AWS Photo Analyzer. The Spring Boot APIs are used to build a model, different views, and a controller.

This application uses the following AWS services:

  • Amazon Rekognition
  • Amazon S3
  • Amazon SES
  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk

I work on AWS Java code that helps AWS developers. Included in this role is working with AWS Services such as S3, DynamoDB, EC2, Lambda functions, and so on.


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