Creating AWS video analyzer applications using the AWS SDK for Java
You can create a Java web application that analyzes videos for label detection by using the Java SDK for Java version 2. The application created in this AWS tutorial lets you upload a video (MP4 file) to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. Then the application uses the Amazon Rekognition service to analyze the video. The results are used to populate a data model and then a report is generated and emailed to a specific user by using the Amazon Simple Email Service (SES).
The following illustration shows a report that is generated after the application completes analyzing the video.
In this tutorial, you create a Spring Boot application that invokes various AWS services. The Spring Boot APIs are used to build a model, different views, and a controller. For more information, see Spring Boot.
This application uses the following AWS services:
- Amazon Rekognition
- Amazon S3
- Amazon SES
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk
I work on AWS Java code that helps AWS developers. Included in this role is working with AWS Services such as S3, DynamoDB, EC2, Lambda functions, and so on.
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